Soundboard Upgrade

The videos below demonstrates how seamless it is to remove and install or upgrade a soundboard or electronics kit in a Lightning Stik saber.

If you have an older version electronics kit such as a Xenopixel V2 or Base-lit kits and would like to upgrade to a Xenopixel V3, the old and new kits are of same dimensions and are upwards compatible (just be aware of the charging port which can be round jack or USB-C, we supply both types).

We supply replacement electronics kits and blades for all types LED Pixel and base-lit sabers.

For 7/8 Inch Blade Sabers:

This includes Staccato Stik and Lighting Ball models.


For 1 Inch Blade Sabers: 

This includes most of the 1 Inch diameter blade sabers sold on Lightning Stik, such as Staccato Mk2, Rocket Mk 2 & Mk3, Crawler, Striker Mk2, Lightning Fork, Lightning Spark, Superbolt and many more... Drop us a line if you need assistance.

For Collectors D1 Saber: